2014年1月24日 星期五

Building Fiasco on x86

Preparing for Build

  1. Download l4re-snapshot-xxx.tar.xz from http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/download/snapshots-oc/
  2. Open /etc/profile file, add the below line. It will set the PATH permanently.
    export PATH=/home/beam/workspace/l4re2013091917/bin:$PATH

Build Fiasco

  1. $ cd /unpacked_path/src/kernel/fiasco
  2. $ make BUILDDIR=mybuild
  3. $ cd mybuild
  4. $ make config
    In config menu, choose as the following items: (lscpu command helps u to print the information about OS)
    • Target configuration:
      • Architecture: IA-32
      • CPU: Core 2
    • Kernel options:
      • Enable multi processor support (NEW): 4
  5. $ make